Thursday, March 5, 2009

When to teach to the test

Two major things that I try to focus on when preparing the children for the NJASK is the layout of the test and the time limits that they will be expected to complete their tasks in. Simple test taking strategies are covered throughout the year. Because my students are third graders, they need to be taught how to take a multiple choice test, address a multi-bulleted question, explain their mathematical ideas in writing, and realize that the blank page is for prewriting, not their actual story.
I'm not very keen on counting the amount of minutes the children need when doing an assignment, but in preparation for the test I will begin to use a timer just so that the students get a better feel of what they can accomplish in a given amount of time. I won't necessarily make them stop when that buzzer goes off, but I would hope that they are getting a better feel for their own personal time management.

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